Turbó Tanoda Development Centre

Working with Children for Children

A school where the length of
a lesson is constantly changing

Turbó Tanoda Development Centre

Working with Children for Children

A school where the length of
a lesson is constantly changing

Turbó Tanoda Development Centre

Working with Children for Children

A school where the length of
a lesson is constantly changing

What do we teach them?

Our speciality

Turbó Tanoda was founded in 2015. A school which is not alternative but unique. Children are taught according to NAT (Hungarian National Core Curriculum).

We undertake to help children with specific learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, autistic children and students with behavioural disorders.

Thanks to our excellent professionals and methodology, children learning at Turbó Tanoda will fully be conditioned at least in the first four years of primary school, up to the sixth year if needed, and they become ready to be integrated into any types of schools and children’s communities. integrálhatóvá válnak bármely iskolatípushoz és gyermekközösséghez.

The children’s road does not lead to ‘nowhere’ but back to normal life.



Teaching according to NAT (Hungarian National Core Curriculum), individualized learning Developing Emotional Intelligence and IQ in cooperation with Budai Magánzeneiskola (BMZ Private Music School)
Competence development through individualized pedagogical methods.
Interdisciplinary approach, integrated curriculum, connecting subjects

Curriculum including:

  • Art therapy
  • Drama pedagogy
  • Comic play
  • Movement development
  • Teaching environmental knowledge
  • Teaching Science with the help of individual discoveries and performing experiments


Our young students’ cognitive, emotional, social, language and movement skills are all developing during our trainings.
Much more attention can be paid to individuals in micro group teaching.

We are all familiar with the phrase 'no two children are the same'. That is why we personalize teaching and care.

Speech therapists, psychologists and therapists also deal with children on a daily basis.
Developing competences with the latest pedagogical methods.

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Marianna Sindulár

„A jó tanár kinyitja az ajtót számodra, de magadnak kell belépned a szobába”

Good teachers open the doors for you, but you are the one who has to enter the rooms.’ She is a professional having complex pedagogical and psychological knowledge who has alloyed and matched different pedagogical procedures to the children’s diagnoses in a specific way.



Marianna Sindulár – Educational Manager, Kindergarten teacher, teacher, special education teacher, accredited in child development
Marcell Urbán – Founder of Budai Magánzeneiskola (BMZ Private Music School), music teacher, Head of Music
Krisztina Kerekes – physiotherapist, skate instructor
Judit Domak – logopedist, psycho-pedagogist
Zsuzsa Nagy – teacher
Dávid Fekete – physical education teacher, swimming instructor
Giddel Uzoaga – English language teacher
Éva Lamme-Szulyovszky – child psychologist, BCBA (Board Certified Behaviour Analyst)
Boglárka Koczóh behaviour analyst, Integral self-awareness consultant, Theta healing consultant, Vipassana teacher trainee, babysitter, mediator
Hajnalka Poczik Integral psychology consultant, self-awareness mediator, focus trainer trainee, family constellation therapist trainee, Dharma teacher trainee, founder and curriculum developer of French language development groups “Atelier de découverte de la Souris Verte”


Forms of Education

Other services

About us

Communication and Openness

Make them be able to recognise and form their own thoughts

Problem solving

Help them think in a problem solving way


Help them feel and behave responsibly

Making decisions

Teach them how to make good decisions in tough situations


Institutional Background


Színes Kockák Alapítvány (Colourful Cubes Foundation)
Tax number: 18909234-1-41
Bank account 10700244-70588916-51100005

Contact: Marianna Sindulár

Address: Address: 104 Kiscelli utca, Budapest 1037
(at the boundary of districts 2 and 3)
Telephone number: +36 20 291 9579
e-mail: [email protected]

Our Background

From a Dream to Reality

A Turbó Tanoda 2015-ben alakult. Elsősorban tanulási diagnosztikával, egyéni és csoportos képességfejlesztéssel és tehetséggondozással foglalkoztunk. 2017-től a Budai Magánzeneiskolával együttműködve beindítottuk a Turbó Sulit, amely mára egy komplex oktatási centrum lett.

„A „I was studying to be a teacher at Benedek Elek Kindergarten Training College and Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College while I was a full time student. I was among the first who had the opportunity to acquire the reading and writing teaching method of Ildikó Meixner having been taught directly by her. In 1997, I finished her accredited course: Prevention and Correction of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, by Ildikó MeixnerAt ELTE Faculty of Humanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."

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Pedagogical Credo

Our aim is to educate happy individuals who are able to plan and realise their life goals independently.

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We strive to create a community where being together is our highest purpose and where all children are equally important.
Our aim is to help children to be themselves and to be able to develop realistic and age-appropriate goals, by building on their strengths while maintaining diversity.
We have children of all kinds: sincere, curious, lively, open, kind, docile, clever, ingenious or needing help because of lacking some kind of a capability.
They all should be aware of their strong sides as well as their weaknesses, so that they will be able to use those in all their life to be effective.

Psychological approach and support

Nurturing Children’s Social-Emotional Development

  • Improve and maintain social interactions with peers
  • Prevent and treat interpersonal difficulties
  • Improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Play-based, small group activities
  • Learn to manage thoughts and emotions effectively
  • Increase self-confidence and self-worth
  • Decrease anxiety and problem behaviors
  • Scientifically proven techniques including Behavior Therapy, CBT, and relaxation/mindfulness exercises
  • Parenting skills training
  • Learn functional and positive behavior management techniques that can be used in the home
  • Evidence based methods based on principles of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Psychological support
    Parent club

Our operations

Forms of Education

Turbo Suli LOGO

Private Student Groups & Skill Development Centre

Turbo twister LOGO



Turbó Tanoda Summer Camp


 Complex therapy lessons: 6 - 8.000 HUF / 50 mins

For parents

First session (90 perc) 20.000 Ft / (ENG) 25.000 Ft
Additional sessions (60 min) 15.000 HUF / (ENG) 20.000 Ft

First session (90 min) 25.000 HUF / (ENG) 30.000 Ft
Additional sessions (60 min) 15.000 HUF / (ENG) 20.000 Ft

For children

6.000 HUF / 50 mins

6.000 - 8.000 HUF / 50 mins

(3 sessions and written assessment report with recommendations by a BCBA) Not diagnostic. 50.000 HUF / (ENG) 75.000 HUF

12.000 HUF (60 min) (ENG) 15.000 HUF