Színes Kockák Alapítvány (Colourful Cubes Foundation)
Tax number: 18909234-1-41
Bank account 10700244-70588916-51100005
Contact: Marianna Sindulár
Address: Address: 104 Kiscelli utca, Budapest 1037
(at the boundary of districts 2 and 3)
Telephone number: +36 20 291 9579
e-mail: [email protected]
Színes Kockák Alapítvány (Colourful Cubes Foundation)
Tax number: 18909234-1-41
Bank account 10700244-70588916-51100005
Contact: Marianna Sindulár
Address: Address: 104 Kiscelli utca, Budapest 1037
(at the boundary of districts 2 and 3)
Telephone number: +36 20 291 9579
e-mail: [email protected]