A Turbó Tanoda 2015-ben alakult. Elsősorban tanulási diagnosztikával, egyéni és csoportos képességfejlesztéssel és tehetséggondozással foglalkoztunk. 2017-től a Budai Magánzeneiskolával együttműködve beindítottuk a Turbó Sulit, amely mára egy komplex oktatási centrum lett.
„A „I was studying to be a teacher at Benedek Elek Kindergarten Training College and Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College while I was a full time student. I was among the first who had the opportunity to acquire the reading and writing teaching method of Ildikó Meixner having been taught directly by her. In 1997, I finished her accredited course: Prevention and Correction of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, by Ildikó MeixnerAt ELTE Faculty of Humanities in 2003, I completed a Postgraduate Specialist Course in Corrective and Preventive Educational Psychology. In 2013 I graduated as a Special Education Teacher from the University of West Hungary, Apáczai Csere János Faculty with a degree in Pedagogy of Students with Learning Disabilities."
Sindulár Marianna
Educational Manager,
Turbó Tanoda
We strive to create a community where being together is our highest purpose and where all children are equally important.
Our aim is to help children to be themselves and to be able to develop realistic and age-appropriate goals, by building on their strengths while maintaining diversity.
We have children of all kinds: sincere, curious, lively, open, kind, docile, clever, ingenious or needing help because of lacking some kind of a capability.
They all should be aware of their strong sides as well as their weaknesses, so that they will be able to use those in all their life to be effective.
Make them be able to recognise and form their own thoughts
Help them think in a problem solving way
Help them feel and behave responsibly
Teach them how to make good decisions in tough situations
Marianna Sindulár – Educational Manager, Kindergarten teacher, teacher, special education teacher, accredited in child development
Marcell Urbán – Founder of Budai Magánzeneiskola (BMZ Private Music School), music teacher, Head of Music
Krisztina Kerekes – physiotherapist, skate instructor
Andrea Béki – logopedist, special education teacher
Judit Domak – logopedist, psycho-pedagogist
Ágnes Pákozdi – teacher
Zsuzsa Nagy – teacher
Dávid Fekete –, testnevelő, úszóedző
Giddel Uzoaga – English language teacher
Éva Lamme-Szulyovszky – child psychologist, BCBA (Board Certified Behaviour Analyst)
Boglárka Koczóh – Viselkedés elemző, Integrál önismereti Tanácsadó, Theta Healing Konzulens, Vipassana Tanárjelölt,Babysitter, Körvezető
Hajnalka Poczik – Integrálpszichológiai tanácsadó, Önismereti csoportvezető, Képződő fókusz tréner, Képződő családállító, Képződő dharma tanító, “Atelier de découverte de la Souris Verte” francia nyelvű fejlesztő csoportok alapítója és tanterv fejlesztője.
A dőlt betűs árak angol nyelvre vonatkoznak.
15.000 Ft
60 perc: 6.000.- Ft
First session (90 perc) 20.000 Ft / (ENG) 25.000 Ft
Additional sessions (60 min) 15.000 HUF / (ENG) 20.000 Ft
First session (90 min) 25.000 HUF / (ENG) 30.000 Ft
Additional sessions (60 min) 15.000 HUF / (ENG) 20.000 Ft
60 perc 6.000.- Ft
60 perc: 6.000.- Ft
50 perc: 6.000.-8.000 Ft
(3 sessions and written assessment report with recommendations by a BCBA) Not diagnostic. 50.000 HUF / (ENG) 75.000 HUF
12.000 HUF (60 min) (ENG) 15.000 HUF
6.000 – 8.000.- Ft között / 50 perc